How long does it take to cycle 10 miles? With examples

cycling 10 miles

Exactly how long does it take to cycle 10 miles? It’s a question many new cyclists ask before setting out on their first ride or commute of this length. Having started out on an old mountain bike in the Spanish hills, it took me on average 10.5 miles an hour as seen in the first image.

Fast forward 1.5 years later, and I’m going further and quicker; albeit on a road bike and less climbing. This comes in at around 45 minutes for 10 miles and variables are a key factor.

how long does it take to cycle 10 miles?

How long to cycle 10 miles?

A good average for a ten mile bike ride is between 45 minutes and an hour. If you’re a beginner, it’s more likely to be closer to the hour mark.

Over time your average speed for each of your rides will increase and so the time it takes to cycle 10 miles will be reduced. When it comes to average speeds, you should consider what you think your could sustain for an extended period.

For example, if you were to aim to cycle 10 miles in 30 minutes, you would require an average speed of 20 mph (32.19 kph). That sort of speed is manageable under the right conditions, especially if you’re riding on a flat or with a group of other cyclists.

However, if you are newer to cycling there are a few factors you should be aware of that will impact your speed and efficiency on the bike. E.g. your initial fitness level and the type of bikes yo’re riding.

A road bike is a lot lighter than its counterparts and so there’s one less element to contend with. But lots of cyclists tend to start with hybrids, which can weigh a bit more, and so that should be factored into your expectations.

Let’s delve into these factors below.

The variables of cycling 10 miles

It is no surprise there are a lot of factors to take into account when cycling this distance. The most obvious example is a powerhouse cyclist completing 10 miles time trial in under 20 minutes.

Let’s take a look at the different things that will effect your time, which will also help you calculate your own 10 mile completion.


Like anything, the more you get out on the bike the better you’ll be on it. That’s to say after weeks of cycling 10 miles, you’ll be faster than the first time you had a go at it. Around 1 year after I started cycling my time improved so much that I was doing 10 miles in 33 minutes (I asked Evie to calculate)! You’ll be shocked how quickly your fitness improves just as I was recently. Pair that with a good diet and you’ll be cycling 10 miles in no time.

cycling 10 miles in 33 minutes

The 10-mile route

A few people will laugh if you base all your data on average speed. That is because how long it takes you to cycle 10 miles on a flat route is different to how long it takes you to cycle 10 miles on a hilly route.

It sounds pretty obvious but I’ve beaten myself up about going slower before when the routes have been just more challenging. If you map out your route beforehand you’ll get an idea if it will be slower than expected.

Whether the weather is nice or not

Sunny and dry days are perfect for cycling 10 miles and it is likely a cyclist will do it faster than normal. Rainy days make it a little tougher because the tyres friction on the road is higher making you ride marginally slower in wet conditions. And then there’s wind; a bitter sweet cycling relationship. On one hand it may be behind you and you’ll zoom swiftly by, whilst on the other hand it will make your legs work overtime and have you cursing into the gales coming straight at you.

Alternatively, accept some days will be good and other’s bad. Just understand if it’s windy and wet, you’ll be a little bit slower – the worst thing you can do is fight it during those 10 miles.

If you want to jump into some science, I can recommend Cyclist’s article. Apparently, there’s a sweet spot… Who knew? Just give yourself a five hour window of opportunity to do your commute and you may just find it…


If you’re after marginal gains then open up your wallet. It’s true that a rust bucket of a bike will make cycling 10 miles much more difficult than a Pinarello carbon beast (not actually a bike name), but if you have a standard road or mountain bike then your fitness is the real key to speed.

If your 10 mile cycle is uphill, using a mountain bike is going to take you longer than a road bike on most occasions. That is down to a bike’s weight. The heavier the bike the harder it is to cycle uphill. There’s no two ways about it. But you can make yourself lighter by either wearing lightweight Lycra or carrying less items.

So, how long does it take to cycle 10 miles?

In truth, there’s no one answer to this. It all depends on your fitness, how long your overall ride is, the route and what gear you’re using. But we’d say that an 50 minutes is likely the average standard.

Cycling more than 10 miles

The time it takes you to cycle 10 miles will give you an indicator of how long it’ll take you to cycle other distances. However, if you rode 10 miles in 1 hour, that doesn’t mean 20 miles will take you two hours. When I first cycled over 50 miles, it was the hardest day of exercise I’d ever done. I recall it taking me 6-7 hours which if using my 33 minute 10 miler data, I should have gone over 100 miles. I wish.

The rationing of food and drink and fatigue it takes to first rack up big miles is exhausting and can by no means be calculated for a first timer. Make sure you gradually pick your miles up, rather than jumping into the deep end, and prepare efficiently.

To conclude

If you are just starting out on the bike, have one hour in mind for cycling 10 miles. This time will slowly edge down as your fitness improves. Many variants in cycling will sway your results and this often can not be helped. Do the best you can and take it steady.

Cycling is more than just about getting fast times and hard data. Enjoy the sights, the senses and the complete enjoyment. Good luck with your next 10 miles; and I sincerely hope you find the sweet spot.

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